A recent CBS poll found that 75% of Americans view the migrant situation at our southern border a crisis or very serious. Of those polled, 68% disapprove of the way Biden is managing the U.S.-Mexico border issue. Congressional Republicans didn’t score much better, with 63% disapproval. Biden needs to lead proactively on this issue and take control of the narrative.
How to engender trust with your colleagues
The best talent will want to work for companies where there is a high level of trust with the senior leadership and among fellow employees. This is the type of company at which we all want to work. Whether you are the CEO, a mid-level manager or an individual contributor with no direct reports, trust needs to be earned. So, how do you earn the trust of others?
We need bipartisan leadership to address our country’s issues
The political will of both the Democrats and Republicans to do the right thing for the American people has been demonstrated in the past. Americans want to see more bipartisan leadership to address our country’s issues. It will position us for a better future.
Philadelphia’s increase in gun violence reflects an erosion of civil society
It’s been said that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” If nothing in Philadelphia changes, we can expect the same result—increasing gun violence.
Follow these guidelines for writing a business article
Write about your values and what you have learned to achieve success during your career. Comment on the actions of leaders when you think those actions teach a lesson on what to do or what not to do. Share your own experience in similar situations and what you learned.
Break your paradigms to achieve breakthrough results
How do you create a paradigm-breaking mindset? You need an organizational culture where the opinions of all employees on how to achieve breakthrough improvements are valued and the status quo can be questioned. The organization that accomplishes this will create competitive advantage.
Providing a great customer experience is a competitive differentiator
You can create competitive advantage by differentiating yourself and your business. It takes the right attitude and the ability to put yourself in the place of your customers and ask, “What would wow me about dealing with this individual or company?” Many of your competitors will not think in these terms.
Andy Jassy and Amazon need to focus on taking better care of employees
Amazon directors need to hold Amazon CEO Andy Jassey accountable for more than just financial performance. The company needs to focus on a great employee experience as they deliver a great customer experience. If they did, they wouldn’t face so many union certification elections at their warehouses.
Graduates, step out of your comfort zone and embrace change
As you pursue your career, the best advice I can share with you is to step out of your comfort zone. Be open to new opportunities that come your way and create your own opportunities. You never know where these opportunities might take you. Embrace change, the only constant in life.
Practice your profession with ethics and integrity
Excerpt from a graduate oath. Words business leaders, political leaders and other professionals should live by: “In exercising my professional duties, I recognize that my behavior must set an example of integrity, eliciting trust and esteem from those I serve. I will remain accountable … for upholding these standards.”
5 principles to move your company from good to great
As the CEO, I would tell our employees never to refer to our company as great. This is for third parties to do, and our response should always be, “Thank you, but we are on a journey, and have a long way to go before achieving greatness.”
Debating issues with direct reports is key to effective decision-making
Every employee wants their voice to be heard, to feel valued and to have ownership in the decision-making process. The leaders who understand this and empower their employees to be active contributors will set themselves apart with better decision-making and higher employee retention.