
Drexel’s John Fry: Think like an entrepreneur, regardless of your career path

Article originally published in the Philadelphia Business Journal on November 9, 2015

From Oct. 31 through Nov. 7, I had the privilege of accompanying Drexel University’s president John A. Fry and a delegation of faculty and staff to China and South Korea, to visit universities that are Drexel’s collaborative partners in many areas of mutual interest.

During the trip, Fry addressed students at ShanghaiTech University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, sharing his thoughts on the value of thinking like an entrepreneur, regardless of one’s career path. I want to share a summary of his speech with my readers:

“Today I want to focus on one particular skill set that you must develop in order to succeed in business, science, government or in any field. That skill set is the ability to think like an entrepreneur. It’s a word that is closely associated with starting and leading new businesses. But when I talk about entrepreneurship with our Drexel students, which I do frequently, I have in mind a broader message.

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