
Reflections on the pope’s visit

Article originally published in the Philadelphia Business Journal on September 28, 2015

What a weekend! The pope captured the hearts of all. His warmth, compassion, humanity and humility, as well as the words and thoughts he shared, many times off script and extemporaneously, touched everyone, from his personal encounters with all whom he met, and at all of the events at which he spoke.

As the pope was driven along the parkway in his specially designed Jeep Wrangler popemobile prior to mass on Sunday, watching parents hand their small children to the members of the pope’s security detail, who in turn presented these children to the pope so he could kiss and bless them, was a sight to behold. I know most individuals of all faiths were moved and felt spiritual watching all these incredible sights.

The Parkway was the perfect venue, even with the very long wait times on Sunday to clear security. Many more checkpoints were needed, as well as additional jumbotrons outside the Francis Festival Grounds, so those who could not enter the Festival Grounds could watch the mass. This was predictable – more checkpoints should have been provided. I feel sorry for the many thousands who had traveled long distances and were not able to enter the Grounds. Had the original estimates of attendance been reached, the screening issue would have been much worse. Predictably, SEPTA outbound train service was overwhelmed Saturday night and after the mass Sunday afternoon. With patience, everyone eventually made it home.

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