American Jewish students do not impact Israeli policies, so why are they being harassed, threatened and intimidated on many campuses across the U.S.? The reason is antisemitism. Students who are not protesting also have rights. They have the right not to have their ability to attend class disrupted by protestors who have taken over campus buildings. So, How should university presidents respond to campus protests?
Advice for aspiring business writers
There is no better feeling than being able to have your voice heard through your writing. Good luck to all who want to pursue this path.
How to do your due diligence before accepting a job offer
You can never do enough due diligence on a company you may consider joining.
Need to terminate a direct report? Allow the individual to maintain their dignity
Terminations are never easy. Informing a direct report “we are going to part company” takes some of the sting out of them being informed of their termination.
How to become the preferred provider to your market
Being the preferred provider to your market, the company that everyone wants to buy from, is a huge competitive advantage. Give a great customer/client experience, hire the right people, and lead them in the right way.
What to expect as a nonprofit board member
The job of a director is governance, not operations. Don’t get involved in operating decisions. It only undermines the CEO.
Searching for a new job? What is your value proposition?
How you can differentiate yourself from other job seekers in the job search process? Highlight your power skills, and do your research.
The risks of customer and industry concentration in your business
If a large customer represents more than 10% of revenues, the business is exposed to customer concentration risk. So, do the benefits of selling to a such a customer outweigh the risks?
So, you want to write a business column? Here are 5 tips to help ensure success
I have been asked many times how I find topics to write about. To mark the occasion of my sixth anniversary for writing in The Business Journals, I thought I would share some advice to those who aspire to write.
A guide to achieving career success
There are universal beliefs, traits and practices that differentiate people that can lead to career success. These can be thought of in five categories: personal attributes, markets, communication, people, and values.
You are now unemployed. What should you do?
If you don’t think you will be called back to your job, you need to move forward and search for another job. The following guidance, developed over years of personal experience and coaching others, will help you in this process.
Want to differentiate yourself from your peers? Learn entrepreneurship skills
Regardless of whether you start a business, work at a startup or work at an established company, entrepreneurship skills will differentiate you from your peers and help you land your first and subsequent jobs.