Valuable Insights for Today's Leaders
5 lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
As we defend against this virus, what we are learning will help better prepare us for the next time we experience a public health crisis.
The traits leaders need to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic
Effective leadership traits are important to any organization in normal times. In extraordinary times such as now during the COVID-19 pandemic, these 5 traits are critical.
7 traits of effective leaders
“Manager” is a job title. How do you earn the title, “leader?” You earn that title from the people you lead by exhibiting specific traits.
COVID-19 public health defense is just as important as military defense
Public health officials have long talked about our inadequate virus defense preparation. It was only a matter of time before a virus would attack the U.S.
5 valuable lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis
As we battle to control the spread of coronavirus, we learn lessons every day that will hopefully change the way we prepare for future pandemics. In this article, I review five lessons to date.
COVID-19 crisis tests our leaders’ credibility – their most important asset
Every effective leader knows they need to build trust and credibility with those they lead. In times of crisis, these are the most important assets of any leader.
Why leaders should encourage others to soar like Icarus
Leaders should encourage others to get outside of their comfort zone, to take a risk and to try new things, so that they grow as individuals and fly high.
Philadelphia Museum of Art scandal demonstrates the need for ethics hotline
Lack of trust within organizations is an important issue with employees. It’s one of the reasons organizations lose good people. An ethics hotline is the best way for the board to protect the reputation of the organization.
Understanding your competitive position leads to success in building a business
Before you enter a new business or develop strategies to build competitive advantage for an existing business, you need to understand your business’s competitive position in the marketplace.
Follow these 8 tips to build a strong personal brand and advance your career
Companies with a great brand reputation have a competitive advantage. The same holds true for a personal brand. Follow these 8 tips to differentiate yourself from your peers with a strong personal brand.
What businesses can learn from the Iowa Democratic Caucus debacle
Business processes that are too complex run the risk of being error-prone. Adopt the simplest process that gets the job done, and operationalize every aspect of it before it goes live.
What athletics can teach leaders
Every leader wants to build teams that achieve great results. What is the most effective way of doing so? In this week’s article, I look at examples of great leadership found in athletics.
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